07 mar - Roma
Tor Vergata University of Rome
Organisation/Company: Tor Vergata University of Rome
Department: Physics
Research Field: Astronomy » Astrophysics
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: PhD Positions
Country: Italy
Application Deadline: 1 Apr 2025 - 00:00 (Europe/Rome)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Horizon Europe - MSCA
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description
The PhD project will employ machine learning techniques to model photo-ionised accretion disk winds in AGN, with a focus on ultra-fast outflows. By generating synthetic high-resolution spectra and analysing large X-ray datasets (e.g.,
XMM-Newton, XRISM), the project aims to characterise the physical properties of these winds, such as their mass flux and energetics. Bayesian inference methods will be applied to compare X-ray observations with multi-wavelength data (e.g., ALMA, JWST), offering new insights into AGN feedback mechanisms and the influence of AGN winds on black hole growth and the broader galaxy ecosystems.
The offered PhD position is part of the TALES (Time-domain Analysis to study the Life-cycle and Evolution of Supermassive black holes) Doctorate Network, a consortium of 10 astrophysics research groups, 8 industrial and 4 academic partners spread across Europe that aims to study the feeding and feedback cycle of supermassive black holes. The TALES doctorate candidates will (i) leverage time-domain astronomy observations from state-of-the-art facilities to map the inner environments of supermassive black holes, (ii) use novel analysis methods from the discipline of data science to maximise the information gain from the observations and (iii) develop new theories and models to interpret the data and learn about the physics of the life-cycle of black holes at the centres of galaxies. Parallel to the core research activities above, TALES aspires to implement an ambitious training programme on both technical and complementary skills that is tailored to the needs of the doctorate candidates and includes secondments to industrial and/or academic partners as well as specialised lectures and science communication events.
The doctoral candidate will be based at the Department of Physics of the Tor Vergata University of Rome in Rome, Italy,
and will be supervised by Prof. Francesco Tombesi. The doctoral candidate will enrol at the PhD programme at the Tor Vergata University of Rome. Foreseen secondments include the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON), the National Institute for Astrophysics / Astrophysical Observatory of Trieste (INAF/OATS) and industrial partners of the TALES Doctorate Network.
Where to apply
Research Field: Astronomy » Astrophysics
Education Level: Master Degree or equivalent
Languages: ENGLISH
Additional Information
The successful candidate will be offered a 36-month full-time employment contract with a very competitive annual salary. Additional allowances may be available based on family circumstances, in accordance with the MSCA provisions.
The recruited researcher will have the opportunity to work within an international and multidisciplinary team that includes 11 doctoral candidates spread in 10 universities across Europe, a total of 14 astrophysics research groups and 8 industrial partners that are active in the fields of data science or education.
As part of the TALES Doctorate Researcher program, the candidate will benefit from a wide range of professional and personal development opportunities through targeted training events. They will acquire a unique skill set that bridges astrophysical modeling, astronomical observations,
and data science, positioning them at the forefront of interdisciplinary research in these fields.
Eligibility criteria
The following conditions apply to the offered position:
1. Applicants must be Doctoral Candidates, i.e., not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.
2. Trans-national mobility: The applicant—at the date of recruitment—should not have resided in the country where the research training takes place for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment, and not have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in that country.
Selection process
Interested applicants are invited to submit a motivation letter, curriculum vitae including a description of their research experience and university transcripts to by 01/04/2025. In addition, applicants should arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the same email address by the application deadline.
Following the initial screening of the applications,
a short list of up to 5 candidates will be invited to interviews that will consist of a 15 minutes oral presentation by the applicants on their research experience and up to 45 minutes of questions and general discussion.
Informal inquiries regarding the position can be directed to Prof. Francesco Tombesi at . The successful candidate will commence their appointment in Autumn 2025.
The Doctorate Candidate will work within the Astrophysics Group of the Tor Vergata University of Rome. The group carries out cutting-edge research on several topics, such as: active galactic nuclei, galaxy clusters, cosmology, gravitational waves, multi-messenger astrophysics, high-energy astrophysics, stellar physics and populations, exoplanets, habitability and astrobiology, solar physics and space weather.
27 feb - Roma
Tor Vergata University of Rome
28 feb - Roma
Tor Vergata University of Rome
05 mar - Roma
Tor Vergata University of Rome
07 mar - Roma
Tor Vergata University of Rome