27 feb - Milano
Milano Cortina 2026
Take the chance to work for the Organization in charge of **delivering one of the biggest and most prestigious events in sport field!
** Feel the Olympic and Paralympic energy joining us at Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, leaving a mark in the sport history!
**Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026** is the Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of 2026, carrying on the organization, promotion and communication of the sporting and cultural events related to the next Winter Games.
We are driven by the following values**: respect, determination, legacy, engagement and sustainability.
Milano Cortina 2026 will be the first large-scale Olympics in history: 13 Olympic venues,
21 provincial capitals, 2,300 municipalities directly involved, over an area of 22,000 square km.
The Milano Cortina 2026 Organizing Committee has been established in 2019 with the purpose of organizing Olympic and Paralympic Games in compliance with the Host City Contract signed jointly by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the two cities of Milano and Cortina and the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).
Furthermore, the Italian Paralympic Committee, the Regions of Lombardy and Veneto, as well as the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano/Bozen are all partners in this major national-level project, with the support of the Italian Government.
Se hai una forte propensione alla leadership, un desiderio di apprendimento, una passione incessante per la vittoria e un interesse nel perseguire una carriera presso Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, allora questa opportunità lavorativa è per te.
A quali dipartimenti puoi unirti?
- Marketing
- Finanza
- Servizi
- Tecnologia dell'Informazione
- Risorse Umane
- Comunicazione
- Infrastrutture
- Ingegneria
Siamo un datore di lavoro che offre pari opportunità e valorizziamo la diversità nella nostra azienda.
Presso Fondazione ci sforziamo di costruire una cultura in cui tutti si sentano benvenuti, inclusi e in grado di portare il meglio di sé al lavoro.
Stiamo cercando laureati o persone esperte nelle discipline STEM, economiche o umanistiche con una passione per il mondo dello sport appartenenti alle categorie protette (L.68/99).
If you have a strong drive to lead, a hunger to learn, a thirst to overcome barriers,
a ceaseless passion to win, and an interest in pursuing a career at Fondazione - this job opportunity is for you.
**Which departments can you join?
- Marketing
- Finance
- Services
- Information Technology
- Human Resources
- Communication
- Infrastructure
- Engineering
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company.
At Fondazione we strive to build a culture where everyone feels welcome, included, and able to bring their full selves to work.
We are looking for people graduates or experienced in STEM, economic or humanist disciplines with passion for sport world.
- Appartenenza alle "Categorie Protette" (L. 68/99)
- Pensiero analitico e critico
- Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese, sia scritta che parlata
- Disponibilità a tempo pieno
- Belonging to "Categorie Protette" (L. 68/99)
- Analytical and critical thinking
- Good Knowledge of the English language both written and spoken
- Availability Full time
**Other information**:
Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 is committed in building an inclusive and diversified working environment, striving to guarantee equal opportunities for all workers (L.903/77) and promote the integration into its workforce of persons with disabilities (L.68/99).
24 feb - Milano
Milano Cortina 2026
27 feb - Milano
Milano Cortina 2026
01 mar - Milano
Milano Cortina 2026
28 feb - Milano
Milano Cortina 2026